Grand-Place, 21-22 September

Folklorissimo is taking place this weekend in Grand-Place with concerts, dance performances, participatory choir, parade of giants, brass bands, barrel organ, folk race, crossbow shooting and more activities. Drinks and culinary specialities are available on site.
Remork & Karkaba
Remork & Karkaba is a fanfare unique composition of a section of vents and percussions from gnawa marocaines. The group is a mix of traditional Moroccan songs and original compositions by Luc Mishalle.
Fatmas of Belgica
Fatmas of Belgica are a source of inspiration for women who are inspired by tradition to pay tribute to women in the diaspora of Morocco. This develops a repertoire that is appropriate for the elements comme la complainte, la poésie en darija (arabe marocain) or the rhythm of yours on the instruments tradition of the bendir et tarija.
Cheb Runner
Cheb Runner (Reda Senhaji) is a musical enlightenment in Morocco, exploring the musical instruments of Europe and Europe. And besides the product, composition and DJ, the fusion of sons' electronics, tradition and contemporary, passant du chaabi Morocain, the sons' spirits of disco éclectique, à la techno profonde and of gabber Hollandais.
Gavur Gelinler. Sunday 15h00-15h45
Gavur Gelinler en turc ("les belle-filles mécréantes" in French), are 8 Belgian women of Turkish, Kurdish, Spanish and Belgian origin. They sing a mainly rural repertoire from Anatolia and the Balkans.
Les Marin'Elles. Saturday 16h00-17h00
Les Marin'Elles is a group near the Center Communautaire Maritime de Molenbeek. Their repertoire is composed of songs from Moroccan traditions and foals, including chants, promoting diversity and a lively ensemble. singing in French and Turkish.
Turkish Kebap. Saturday 19h00 to 20h00.
Turkish Kebap is a group of music composed by 5 musicians in Brussels. Influenced by the musical psyche of rock folk of the early 70s, but also by the current sonorités, Turkish Kebap is a subtle blend of rhythms and melodies that accompany the music of the universe.
Check out the full programme.